Zombiemania for all 16-17year olds as NCS launches new app and film!!!!

I'm a big fan of Zombie films, especially The Walking Dead so just had to announce this to all 16 and 17 year  olds out there. For a chance to be part of something very special please read below!!!! 


The National Citizen Service (NCS) is launching a zombie app and feature film, which gives young people the chance to ‘run the show’

NCS is shooting a video to raise awareness of their Autumn programme and enlist young people to sign up, get involved and say YES to NCS. The film will be zombie themed, which will coincide with Halloween and appeal to the target audience.

Along with the video NCS are generating an app that will allow young people to ‘say yes’ to a new opportunity and put themselves forward for the chance to gain experience working behind the scenes of film production or star in the film as a zombie. Roles will include:

·    Make-up Assistant
·    Production Assistant
·    Camera Assistant
·    Zombies x7

NCS (National Citizen Service) is a once in a lifetime opportunity open to all 16 and 17 year olds across England. It is a unique three week full-time programme, plus 30 hours committed to a community project, focused around fun and discovery that benefits both young people and society.

Key Timings:
·    9th September – teaser live date
·    17th September - App live
·     21st October – Zombie attack live date (to maximise on the Halloween build up.)

*It All Starts At Yes*
*It’s not too late to join the Autumn programme and get involved at www.NCSyes.co.uk*
Twitter: @NCS


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