Guide to a Facelift

The Facelift has been around for more than 100 years, and it has evolved a great deal over time. Presently, there exist multiple types of facelifts, which can differ greatly in how they handle the face.

Some techniques are best for younger faces, while other more advanced techniques are critical for achieving natural results in the older face.

Follow me on a journey to discover the history of the facelift and some of the most popular techniques in existence today and which facelift you should be guided towards. 

You may think there are over 100 different types of facelifts however these can all be broken down into the following categories.

1. Skin Only (Mini Lift)
2. Low-SMAS:
- Plication (Mini lift)
- Imbrication
- SMAS- Ectomy
3. Extended SMAS:
- Deep Plane
- High-SMAS
- Lamellar (High SMAS)
- Composite
4. Sub-Periosteal

For a detailed examination of the differences between the different face types please watch the video below by renowned surgeon Dr Danny Soares
